One Body One Hope

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World Water Day & The One Week Water Challenge

Hi, everyone!

Did you know that today is World Water Day? Since 1993, the General Assembly of the United Nations has encouraged people not to use their water taps on this day to raise awareness of global water issues. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I've already used my tap today... a lot. To brush my teeth, take a shower, get several drinks, and wash the dishes, just to name a few of my forbidden tap uses. But just because I may have used my tap today, doesn't mean that the day is a bust. I think today is a fantastic day to talk about some water-related issues... And to introduce you to One Body One Hope's One Week Water Challenge.

People often ask us, "How can I get involved?" The obvious answers are: pray for us, consider sponsoring a child through OBOH, or give a one-time donation. But we also want to give people opportunities to connect their passion for global issues with their day-to-day life -- ways to educate their kids and families about the world beyond their home and community. And we think the One Week Water Challenge is just the way to do that!

We are looking for families who are willing to spend themselves, and drink nothing but water for an entire week. The money saved will be used to dig wells in the communities we support in Liberia. Doesn't sound like much of a challenge, does it? Well, take a moment to consider... In one week my family spends almost $50 on drinks alone:

  • 2 gallons of milk: $7
  • 1 gallon of orange juice: $5
  • 2 bottles of V-8 Fusion: $6
  • Milk boxes for hot lunch: $1/day x 5 days = $5
  • 6 cans of Coke: $6
  • 2 specialty coffees at our favorite coffeehouse: $6
  • 1 bottle of wine: $12

That's $47 worth of drinks, and I haven't even calculated my regular morning coffee (with creamer, of course), the smoothie I make almost every day (with a carton of yogurt, berries, bananas, spinach, and flaxseed), or little "extras" I just purchase on the fly... An iced coffee, Gatorade for the boys after hockey practice, etc. The number just climbed to nearly $75.

Yikes. That's a lot of money. Even more concerning: Can I make it a week without coffee? Will my kids throw a hissy fit if they have to drink water with their school lunch instead of milk? I say: Bring it on! What an amazing teaching experience. What an opportunity for me, and my children, to spread the word about worldwide water issues and what we can do to make a difference. I'm in. Are you?

See this content in the original post

If you'd like to participate in the challenge, you can do so whenever and wherever. Families can participate, singles, entire churches, or even offices, sports teams, or school classes. Pick a week, any week, and dive on in. Feel free to use the video as a promotional material. We also have devotional packets that I can send to you in a PDF file and you can print it out and use it throughout the week. Whenever you're craving a caffeine buzz, or would really love a glass of OJ with your breakfast, take a moment to think about the miles that women in Asia and Africa have to walk just to collect dingy water that might make them sick. Or the fact that more children die of water-related illnesses than for any other reason. You just might be able to give up coffee for an extra week.
