One Body One Hope

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If you live in Iowa, you already know what RAGBRAI stands for. But for those of you who don't, RAGBRAI is the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. It is the oldest, largest, and longest bicycle touring event in the world. Yup, you read that right: the world. How cool is that?

This year, Ragbrai is starting in Sioux Center, and our little hometown gets to play host to nearly (according to one source) 20,000 riders, support staff members, and onlookers on Saturday, July 21. We couldn't be more excited to participate in such a fabulous event... Especially because One Body One Hope will be right in the middle of all the festivities!

Keep your eyes open at the Sioux Center RAGBRAI event for the One Body One Hope Gators. We'll be shuttling around all day Saturday selling water! Every bottle of water you purchase will help fund the ministries of One Body One Hope. How cool (pun intended) is that? ;-)

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