One Body One Hope

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Health Coordinator

At OBOH we believe in mind, heart, and body wholeness. To that end, one of our team members is the health coordinator for the campus of Christ Our Hope orphanage. Some of her roles include: communicating with Nurse Sarah via email about the health of the children at COH, developing an electronic medical record that can be shared between the US and Liberia, monitoring the children at the orphanage with chronic diseases, and looking towards more preventative medicine rather than reactive medicine. In November, our health coordinator had the opportunity to travel to Liberia and conduct medical evaluations on all 69 children at COH. A thorough past medical history, family history, and physical exam were obtained on each child. Not only were the physical needs of the children evaluated, but also their mental and emotional needs. While in Liberia, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and body soap were distributed to each child. Nurse Sarah's medical cabinet and supplies were re-stocked thanks to the generosity of two local pharmacies, a dentist's office, and other members of the community. A class on menstrual hygiene, including the distribution of the DIVA Cups, was also conducted.

We are so grateful for the amazing people who are so dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the kids at COH! Please keep them in your prayers! And don't forget to uphold our Liberian friends and pray for their health. As we continue to work at making COH a healthy, thriving place, there are ongoing needs... More preventative care as well as the water tower, shower, and latrine projects are essential for disease prevention and overall health. Thank you for prayerfully supporting this aspect of our ministry!