One Body One Hope

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One World Week

Hi, friends.

At One Body One Hope we value relationship. In fact, the entire organization was founded on the understanding that a cord of three strands is not easily broken. We believe that when we share our stories, we can’t help but be moved--and when we are moved, big things happen. Stories change. Lives are transformed. The kingdom of God breaks in. This is what keeps us coming back for more: the knowledge that together weare the beautiful body of Christ in a broken and hurting world.However, one of the most important aspects of being the body together is also one ofthe most difficult: communication. Especially when our organization is spread across the globe. We long to connect with our supporters and constituents in meaningful ways.  And we continue to seek out new and exciting ways to tell the old, old story of Jesus love.

The week of August 2-8, we are going to start a new conversation. An online dialogue that we hope will spark discussions in your home and workplace, and that will stir up your heart. The kingdom of God is alive and vibrant all throughout the world, and His work is being done in many exciting and even revolutionary ways. We want to broaden your understanding of where He is working and how.  Want to be a part of this powerful week? We hope that you’ll join us! During #OneWorld Week, we’ll be posting on Twitter,Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and our website. You’ll hear stories, learn about new organizations, and be challenged by the things that you see and read. We’re trying to increase our reach by sharing useful, global content that highlights the things we believe are changing the world. If you see something that moves you, please share our content and help us impact a greater audience.

We are so grateful for your prayerful support of our ministry and beyond. We know that you are involved in so many different ways, and we hope that this week is a delight and a blessing to you. Thank you for continuing to partner with us as we redevelop the world--and ourselves--through relationships!

Grace and peace,

The OBOH Team