One Body One Hope

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Letter from Emmanuel: Crusades in Liberia

Hello everyone,

On behalf of the AVDC evangelistic team and in my own name cease this time to extend our thanks and appreciation first to God and second to you all our praying partners for standing with us and by us during this spiritual assignment given to us by the Lord. This 2016 assignment is divide into three phases which we term, " three missionary journey." Bong county, and Margibi county, the first phase, Grandcape mount county and Bomi county, the second phase and Montserrado county the third and final phase.

We are grateful to God for successfully taking us through the first phase which we are unable to describe using words of man. The Lord set an open door before us to all the locations he led us through during this first missionary trip. It was so much wonderful and full of blessing both for us and for those he sent us to. Many souls have been won to the Lord and added to the churches within those communities, AVDC and other churches that were part of the morning training sections and the evening crusades. Those who gave their lives to Christ were given option to go to any church of their choice. Many sick people were healed, and broken homes were reconciled. Children who left homes return to their parents and local authorities who were treating their citizens bad were restored. All these things happened during this first journey because of the grace of God upon our lives, your prayers and financial support to us for the work of the Lord in Liberia.

We are returning to Monrovia today for one week rest and refreshment after which we will be heading to Cape mount and Bomi. We are asking that you continue praying with us so that the Lord will again glorify Himself as he did during this first trip. We love you so much and we enjoy partnering with you.

Emmanuel F. Bimba- head of the team
AVDC evangelistic team Liberia.