One Body One Hope

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Who We Are

Have you ever wondered how OBOH is run? What started as a grass-roots endeavor has grown into a ministry with many moving parts. Our Executive Board consists of 6-8 members who set direction, cast vision, and maintain close contact with our Liberian counterparts. Our Teams are groups of passionate, dedicated individuals who focus on specific aspects of the ministry. Our Christ Our Hope and Vine School System of Christ (CAT) Team handles everything related to the original COH children’s home including medical needs, groundskeeping, the school, and sponsorships. A branch of the CAT Team is the Education Team—they work hard to ensure that the Vine School System of Christ is offering the best possible education for the kids of Christ Our Hope. The Agriculture Team has been laboring to get our 178-acre farm up and running. The Media and Communications Team is the “voice” of OBOH and strives to tell our story well. There is also a rather casual Church Partnership Team that consists of the various direction-setting teams from each of the churches involved in our Liberian partnerships. Finally, we have a Ministry Treasurer who handles our finances, and, of course, our Interim Development Coordinator, Austin. All in all, there are over 30 people intimately involved in the inner-workings of One Body One Hope. Each person has a significant role to fill and our ministry would not survive without their meaningful contributions!

We also have a wider network of friends and supporters who work alongside team members writing cards, putting together packages, sharing the story with friends, and coordinating individual fundraisers. We are so blessed by our volunteers! It is confident, hardworking people like this who make it possible for us to share that we took in almost $400,000 in donations during 2015. And guess what? 99.97% of those donations went directly to our work in Liberia. The best part? the .03% of donations received that went to cover administrative costs was fully covered by our board and team members—and then some. We love it that we can say: 100% of YOUR contributions go straight to the kids, the farm, the churches… our Liberian friends. THANK YOU.