One Body One Hope

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Thank you & What's Next

Thank you so much for joining us this month. We hope you enjoyed reading more about the ministry of One Body One Hope and some of the lessons we’ve learned in fifteen years of working in Libera. What a journey it has been! As we close out this month and year together we invite you to do two things:

FIRST, spend your devotional time today in prayer.

Pray for the ministry of OBOH and allow the Holy Spirit to prompt you and point you toward the areas of outreach that stir your soul. We are one body but many parts, and we celebrate how God knits us together so perfectly. We need people who are passionate about agriculture and education and at-risk children and microfinance and so much more!

SECOND, as we finish one year and look forward to the next, ask yourself if God is moving you to participate in the ministry work of One Body One Hope. There are so many ways to get involved! We need prayer warriors. We need people to serve on our teams and our board. We need advocates in the community who will share our social media posts and spread the word about what the Lord is doing through OBOH. We need friends that encourage and support the work and the workers. And we need donors. How is God prompting you?

Looking forward to spend ourselves with you in the service of God’s kingdom in 2023!