Christmas in Liberia

In past years, One Body One Hope has been able to provide the children at Christ Our Hope orphange with Christmas presents. The gifts were carefully selected and packaged together by the OBOH community and were delivered to Liberia and the children by volunteers from One Body One Hope.  This year, the Ebola outbreak in Liberia put a hold on all plans for all service trips to Liberia, and Christmas presents will not be delivered from the United States.  Instead Emmanuel and Fatu will be provided funds to purchase gifts for the children in Liberia. 

While we are saddened that we won't see pictures of the children of Christ our Hope opening gifts specifically picked out for them by the people of our community, we are excited to announce another Christmas project. 

This year the One Body One Hope community is fundraising for a Christmas party.  Abide in the Vine Disciple's Church and Christ Our Hope will be hosting a Christmas party! The party is an gives our friends in Liberia a time to celebrate the birth of Christ with each other, but also share the story of Christmas by opening up the party to their community.

Spend yourself this holiday season by spreading Christ's joy and cheer to Liberia, West Africa!

You can donate online or mail us a check at: One Body One Hope, c/o the Baarts, 160 4th Ave. NE, Sioux Center, IA 51250