Our Organization
One Body One Hope (OBOH) is a bi-national, non-profit organization that works alongside a series of churches and mission homes in Monrovia, Liberia. We are independent of any North American church or denomination, and are primarily associated with a network of non-denominational churches called Abide in the Vine Disciples Church whose congregations are located throughout Liberia.
Our Work
One Body One Hope provides support for the main Abide in the Vine Disciples Church, Christ Our Hope Mission Home. In addition, OBOH has recently stepped into partnership with the church leader Rev. Emmanuel Bimba as he continues to evangelize and plant churches across Liberia. Following the Ebola outbreak in 2015, the need for mission homes increased, and OBOH agreed to partner with Christ Our Hope Mission Home and Abundant Life Mission Home.
Another growing project is the farm and agriculture project at the Harbel branch of Abide in the Vine Disciples Church, which is poised to create new opportunities and independence for our friends in Liberia. We are also working with churches in North America to partner with our sister congregations in Liberia.
These relationships are intended to be reciprocal and intimate, focused on building each other up in Christ and redeveloping communities in both Liberia and the U.S. Each year, teams from our local communities travel to Liberia to build on these relationships.
Our Committment
OBOH is committed to relationship and redevelopment, and strives to encourage and empower the people of Liberia. We live with the purpose of spending ourselves on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Liberia.
“And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday.”