Gearing Up for Christmas

Start your Christmas shopping early this year with gifts from One Body One Hope! Everything you purchase from our organization helps Immanuel and Fatu (the orphanage directors at Christ Our Hope) offer better quality of care for the children. 

Products for Sale

Homemade Goat-Milk Soap - These beautiful, fragrant soaps are hand-made by a gentleman in our church with milk from his two pet goats. This soap is extremely soft and perfect for sensitive skin. It comes wrapped for Christmas in burlap and holiday ribbon. The perfect stocking stuffer! 
$5 (100% of the proceeds will go to our Capital Campaign fund)

2010 Calendars - These attractive calendars feature full-color photographs from our 2008 trip to Liberia. Truly National Geographic worthy, these pictures are gorgeous and a great conversation starter. Included on every month are specific prayer requests for the orphanage and the community.
$15 ($10.50 from the purchase of every calendar will go to fund our Capital Campaign)

T-Shirts - Our t-shirts are 100% preshrunk cotton and feature our logo (One Body One Hope) name-tag sized on the front. Across the back you will find Spend Yourself. The t-shirts come in white or chocolate brown. We have adult and child sizes.
$20 Adult/$15 Child ($13 Adult/$10 Child will go to our general budget)

For more information, or to order any of these products, please email