Thanksgiving in Liberia

The team in Liberia has had another great day today! They celebrated Thanksgiving last night with Samaritan's Purse eating turkey and all the trimmings. Today they got all of the windows and doors in, all of the bunks are put together as well as the desks and benches and bookshelves. They have about 1/2 to one days work left and then they are done!! Tomorrow (Saturday), they are going to celebrate the renewing of vows of Immanuel and Fatu, who run the orphanage. They were originally married during the civil war. So the government is requiring them to get re-married. Aaron is officiating the wedding.  What a great celebration that will be!! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the 'warm' weather! 
Thank you again for your support!

Julie Bajema
From the Board of One Body One Hope

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