Catching Up

So sorry about the long absence! Due to a book deadline, a research trip to Alaska, a family vacation, a new job, and a new baby I have not had time to update our One Body One Hope blog. But don't think for a second that a lack of information means a lack of exciting developments! So much is going on... I'm going to take the next several days/weeks to try and get you all up to speed.

Anyway, though the news is old, it's still pretty thrilling: we reached our donor-match goal! $10,000 was raised for the One Body One Hope capital campaign in May. We have been so blessed to watch people with generous hearts give sacrificially to this campaign. In fact, though numbers are liquid and sometimes things cost more or less than projected, it seems we've nearly reached our $50,000 goal. Praise God!

Also, tomorrow our shipping container will be rolling into town! We have Friday and Saturday to pack a container full of all the materials that we will need for our work project in November. On the shipping manifest are items such as: new bunk beds and mattresses, specially fabricated steel doors and windows for the existing dormitory and the new one, books for the library, clothes, school items, desks, roof trusses for the new dorm, electrical equipment, and lots of tools. I can't wait to share with you some individual stories in the coming weeks--we have seen donors step forward and give selflessly and with abandon. Very exciting stuff!

I'm going to leave you today with a photo of Immanuel and some of the kids at Christ Our Hope standing on the concrete pad that will soon be the floor for the new girls' dormitory. Construction is well under way!

Stop back in on Saturday for some exciting news about the latrines! :)