
Well, the weather is cooler and our kids are hopefully getting used to the fall routine... Both in the US and in Liberia. As our kids (biological, adopted, and sponsored) hit the books, it has been a privilege to support them in any and every way we can: through prayer, encouragement, and by preparing them for the year to come.

A couple weeks ago we invited you to help us go back-to-school shopping with the kids at Christ Our Hope. Each child needed a donation of $40 to purchase a school uniform, shoes, a backpack, and school supplies for the year. Though we have not yet received the full amount, the board of OBOH went ahead and sent the funds. We believed that it was important for the children to go back to school with the supplies they needed to be successful. That means, we are trusting God to raise the rest of the money. If you would still like to contribute $40 to outfit a child for the 2012-2013 school year, it's not too late! You may give your donation to an OBOH board member or send it to:

One Body One Hope
c/o The Baarts
589 13th St. Cir. SE
Sioux Center, Iowa 51250

Thank you so much for your prayerful support! And check out these cutie-patooties in their brand-spankin' new uniforms. Aren't they sweet?