We bought a farm!
Some people buy zoos (did you see that movie?)... We buy farms. Well, we bought one farm. Well, our friends in Liberia bought a farm and we were able to participate in their new ministry enterprise by providing the funding for 8 acres of land near Harbel. Woo-hoo!
As you may remember, One Body One Hope dreams of partnering with all of the sister churches of Abide in the Vine Disciples Church. One of those churches is in Harbel, near the Firestone plantation south of Monrovia. Pastor Abraham is the shepherd of that amazing congregation, and one of their dreams is to become self-sufficient by living off the fertile land that surrounds their village. While we were in-country several weeks ago, four members of our team were able to visit the land and survey the potential in the soil, nearby water sources, etc. The land looks excellent and it's a done deal! The congregation of the Harbel branch of Abide in the Vine Disciples church is now the proud owner of a nice chunk of farmland. Let the plowing begin!
ere Emmanuel (in the orange shirt) is presenting David Bweh, the owner of the land, with the first check. (Also pictured are Emmanuel Sumo, the art teacher at the Vine School System of Christ, and Prince, a friend and member of the church)
From left to right: Abraham (the pastor of the Harbel church), David Bweh, and Emmanuel.