Mission Home Transitions

Hi, friends. Fun fact about OBOH: Did you know that we have a team member whose main focus is TRANSITIONS? Our kids won't be children forever, and we want their transition to the "real world" to be as smooth as possible. Our goal is that every child who "graduates" from Christ Our Hope orphanage will be healthy and adjusted emotionally, socially, and spiritually, and well-equipped to work in a meaningful occupation, vocation, or continue on in their education. Right now, our transition team member is still working to figure out the current situation at the orphanage as well as what is available in the region. She is also coordinating with other team members to come up with preliminary recommendations for an "aging out" or transitional policy for children at the orphanage. Please keep our team members in your prayers! They love the kids of COH and are passionate about providing for them in many different ways.