Hope for the Hurting World

There is a lot of pain in the world today. In Liberia, I see it all around me. Victims of poverty, once living on hardly anything, now living on nothing as a flood robs them of all possessions. A country limping after Ebola and a civil war. I go on the Internet and see the pain that is circulating around the U.S. with recent shootings and protests. I have had the opportunity of seeing these things from afar, all while being immersed in one of the poorest places on earth, yet at the same time being surrounded by powerful love of brothers and sisters in Liberia.

How and why do they love a rich, white American so easily? Jesus Christ. It's that simple. And this gives me hope. The CHURCH is the hope for the world. WE are that hope for the world. Is there pain and hurt? Yes. Can we ignore it? No. This is an opportunity for the body of Christ to show the power of love. This is the only solution to the pain, hurt, and trouble we see around us, whether that be in the United States, Liberia, Europe, the Middle East, or anywhere.

This may seem unrealistic to many or that there is a more logical solution, but the gospel isn't logical to begin with. These children, this body of Christ that I have been blessed with the last week should give hope to all. They are proof that Christ conquers all pain or hurt, no matter where it comes from. Let the JOY of the Lord be your strength.

It is so easy to let the pain overwhelm us. The list is endless after all; shootings, terrorist attacks, poverty, war, and refugees… But we are called to have the eternal perspective that the gospel gives us as Christ tells us, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV) May we spread this hope to the hurting world.
