Did You Know? Theme Verse

We love Liberia! The country, the people, the way God is moving... To know Liberia is to love it, and we want to pass on that love to you! Join us every Friday as we share fun facts about Liberia, One Body One Hope, and our friends across the ocean!

Did you know...

That One Body One Hope was founded on scripture? The passage is Isaiah 58:6-12, with a focus on verse 10. These words have guided us for nearly twelve years now, and continue to be a foundational aspect of our decision-making, governing principles, and new initiatives. Our tagline (Spend Yourself) is lifted directly from the Bible. We love the if/then duplet: "IF you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, THEN your light will rise in the darkness and your light will become like the noonday." God's making a pretty cool promise here: IF you do this (spend yourself), THEN my light will shine through you in amazing ways! Kinda gives new meaning to the old song This Little Light of Mine, doesn't it? 😉 Want to know more? Look up the whole passage and share it with your family or a friend! What can you learn about God and how he works through us in this passage?

#weloveliberia #onebodyonehope #spendyourself