Did You Know? Liberian Landscape

We love Liberia! The country, the people, the way God is moving... To know Liberia is to love it, and we want to pass on that love to you! Join us every Friday as we share fun facts about Liberia, One Body One Hope, and our friends across the ocean!

Did you know...

That Liberia is slightly larger than the state of Tennessee? The land mass is almost exactly the same, but the populations vary greatly. There are 6.8 million people in Tennessee and only 4.7 million in Liberia. This beautiful, diverse country is located on the West Coast of Africa and is home to beautiful beaches, dense tropical rainforests, rolling plateaus, and low mountains. If you'd like to see for yourself some of the beauty that Liberia has to offer, look up Sapo National Park. It's Liberia's largest protected rainforest and it's only national park. It's breathtaking!

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